
NUX NDO-6 QUEEN OF TONE Dual Overdrive kitarski efekt pedal

Original price was: 118,95 €.Current price is: 113,00 €.

Šifra artikla: NDO-6 – EAN: 6936257208941 – Skupina: Kitare > Efekti za kitaro in bas > Distortion / Overdrive – Znamka: NUX

4 in stock


QUEEN of TONE je dvojni overdrive pedal z Horsemanom in Morning Starom. Zakaj? Ker veliko kitaristov obožujejo 2 overdriva za svoj ton.

Na levi strani pedala je Horseman z načinom SILVER. Horseman temelji na legendarnem Centaur overdive pedalu s spremenjenim vezjem za dostop do sekundarne funkcije s preprostim držanjem nožnega stikala ~ SREBRNI način. Izoblikujte svoj ton z gumbi Output, Treble in Gain, nato poskusite preklapljati med 2 načinoma: Gold in Silver, ki ponujata velik napredek, ki običajno zahteva 18 V vhod.

Gold Mode posnema svojega klasičnega predhodnika; transparenten overdrive pedal Gold Centaur in Silver Mode je različica z razširjenim drivom (Silver Centaur).

Na desni strani pedala je Morning Star z načinom SHINE. Morning Star temelji na legendarnem pedalu Bluesbreaker: zelo pregleden, z nizkim drivom. Tako kot Morning Star ima tudi ta preprost pritisk na nožno stikalo za vključitev ikoničnega načina SHINE za kristalno jasen ton, okrepljen z visokimi toni.

Tip efekta: Overdrive
Vhodna upornost: 2.2MΩ
Izhodna upornost: 1kΩ
Napajanje: 9V DC
Poraba toka: less than 100mA (52mA)
Specifikacije: 2 classic over drive circuits in one compact enclosure.
Specifikacije II: Versatile modes and routing design to enhance the tone variety.
Specifikacije III: IFS: INPUT FET STAGE design to drive the amp’s breakthrough edge.
Dolžina: 105mm
Širina: 115mm
Višina: 58mm
Teža: 440g

Dodatni opis:

QUEEN of TONE is a dual overdrive pedal stacked with Horseman and Morning Star.

Why? Because great guitarists love 2 overdrives for their tone.

On the left side of the pedal is the Horseman with SILVER mode. The Horseman is based on the legendary Centaur, with a modified circuit to access the secondary function by simply holding the foot switch~ SILVER mode. Carve out your tone with the Output, Treble, and Gain knobs, then try switching between the 2 modes: Gold and Silver, which offers massive headway usually requiring an 18v input. Gold Mode mimics its classic predecessor; the transparent Gold Centaur overdrive pedal and the Silver Mode is a powered-up version with an extended gain range (Silver Centaur).

On the right side of the pedal is the Morning Star with SHINE mode. The Morning Star is based on the legendary Bluesbreaker circuit: a very transparent, low gain drive. Like our Morning Star, it also features a simple foot switch hold to engage the iconic SHINE mode for a crystal clear treble boosted tone.

Effect Type: Overdrive
Input Impedance: 2.2MΩ
Output Impedance: 1kΩ
Power Supply: 9V DC
Current Draw: less than 100mA (52mA)
Specifications: 2 classic over drive circuits in one compact enclosure.
Specifications II: Versatile modes and routing design to enhance the tone variety.
Specifications III: IFS: INPUT FET STAGE design to drive the amp’s breakthrough edge.
Length: 105mm
Width: 115mm
Height: 58mm
Weight: 440g