
SCHLAGWERK BRC06 T. J. Troy #6 shaker metlice za cajon

Original price was: 57,90 €.Current price is: 55,01 €.

Šifra artikla: BRC06 – EAN: 4260094113680 – Skupina: Bobni in tolkala > Percussion > Cajoni – Znamka: SCHLAGWERK

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BRC06 CAJON BRUSH #6 SHAKER BRUSH Schlagwerk Cajon Shaker Brushes, metlice in shaker v enem, ustvarjene v sodelovanju z ameriškim perkusionistom T.J.Troyem. Metlice s svojim 15,8 mm ročajem so izjemno udobne in dobro uravnotežene v roki. Najlonske nitke proizvajajo topel, bogat zvok na cajonu.

BRC06 CAJON BRUSH #6 predstavljajo vrhunec Shaker Brushes serije, ki je v shaker pritrjenih na konec metlic. Z igranjem z metlicami ustvarite prijeten shaker zvok, ki dopolnjuje vaš groove. Posredno lahko čopič uporabite kot navaden shaker ali ga celo kombinirate s tehnikami bobnarskih palic med igranjem, kar vodi do neskončnih možnosti.

Barva: Naravna
Premer: Ø 1,6 cm (shaft)
Specifikacije: Metal shaker element on handle
Specifikacije II: Light nylon bristles, medium hard
Specifikacije III: Also very suitable for the drumset
Lastnosti: Pairwise
Več lastnosti: Rubberized protection at the grip edge
Dolžina: 40 cm
Artikel: T.J. Troy Signature

Dodatni opis:

The Schlagwerk Cajon Shaker Brushes were created in cooperation with American percussionist T.J.Troy. The brushes with their 15.8 mm handle are extremely comfortable and well-balanced in the hand. The nylon bristles produce a warm, rich sound on the cajon.

BRC06 CAJON BRUSH #6 highlight of the Shaker Brushes, however, lies in the shaker capsules attached to the end of the brushes. Playing with the brushes you create a nice shaker sound that Complements your groove. Alternatively, the brush can be used as a common shaker or even combine it with drum stick techniques while playing in the air which leads to endless possibilities.

Color: Natural
Diameter: Ø 1,6 cm (shaft)
Specifications: Metal shaker element on handle
Specifications II: Light nylon bristles, medium hard
Specifications III: Also very suitable for the drumset
Features: Pairwise
Features II: Rubberized protection at the grip edge
Length: 40 cm
Product: T.J. Troy Signature