Cry Baby Daredevil Fuzz Wah združuje sladek in ekspresiven glas modificiranega Cry Baby Wah pedala z gnarly fuzz vezjem po meri za celotno paleto surovih in agresivnih tonov. Izvor tega pedala je ljubezen lastnika in graditelja Daredevila Johnnyja Watorja, do klasičnih starinskih vezij in želja po ustvarjanju drznih novih zvokov. Navdihnjen s svojimi osebnimi kitarskimi heroji, ki uporabljajo wah, je Johnny več let izpopolnjeval to vezje in ga gradil za prijatelje in kitariste s katerimi je sodeloval, preden ga je prinesel Dunlopu v izdelavo kot nov dodatek k njihovi ponudbi.
Cry Baby Daredevil Fuzz Wah je rezultat sodelovanja in to v pravem slogu Daredevila, je neposreden in naravnost neverjeten ter sfuziran. Edino zunanje stikalo je za vklop/izklop fuzz efekta. Če odstranite spodnjo ploščo, se prikažeta še dve stikali; ena za nastavitev izhodne moči pedala fuzza ko je pedal v delovanju, druga pa za nastavitev želene ravni fuzza.
Za takojšen glavni ton povečajte izhod in boost – v enem koraku ste pripravljeni na fuzziranje. Fuzz wah je poln ubijalskih tonov stare šole in dovolj moči, da razstreli celotni oder na koščke.
Vse skupaj je v posebnem ohišju z vintage finišem podnožja, zgornjim delom iz poliranega aluminija in tekalno plastjo po meri. Vsak od njih je ročno izdelan s komponentami , ki zaokrožujejo to odo rock 'n' rollu.
Tip efekta: Wah
Vhodna upornost: 55 kΩ > 17 kΩ
Nominalni izhodni nivo: +11.5 dBu
Izhodna upornost: 1 kΩ > 2.5 kΩ
Napajanje: 9V DC
Poraba toka: 1 mA
Specifikacije: Heel Down +17.2 dB +55 dB
Specifikacije II: Toe Down +23.5 dB +63 dB
Dodatni opis:
The Cry Baby Daredevil Fuzz Wah fuses the sweet and expressive voice of a modded Cry Baby Wah with a gnarly custom fuzz circuit for a full palette of raw and aggressive tones. This pedal’s origin lies in Daredevil proprietor and builder Johnny Wator’s love for classic vintage circuits and the desire to create bold new sounds. Inspired by his personal wah-wielding guitar heroes, Johnny fine-tuned this circuit over several years, building them for friends and bandmates, before bringing it to Dunlop for consideration as a new addition to the lineup.
The Cry Baby Daredevil Fuzz Wah is the resulting collaboration, and in true Daredevil fashion, it’s straight-forward and downright dirty. The only external control is a heavy-duty baseball bat switch to toggle the fuzz on and off. Removing the bottom plate reveals two more controls: one to set the pedal’s output when the fuzz is engaged and another to dial in your preferred level of fuzz nastiness. For instant lead tone, boost both the output and gain—in one step, you’re ready to rip. This fuzz wah is packed with killer old school tones and enough power to blow the whole dang room to pieces.
It all comes in a special housing with a vintage crinkle finish base, a polished aluminum rocker top, and a custom design tread. Each one is hand built with thru-hole components and true bypass switching to round out this ode to full-frontal rock ’n’ roll.
Effect Type: Wah
Input Impedance: 55 kΩ > 17 kΩ
Nominal Output Level: +11.5 dBu
Output Impedance: 1 kΩ > 2.5 kΩ
Power Supply: 9V DC
Current Draw: 1 mA
Specifications: Heel Down +17.2 dB +55 dB
Specifications II: Toe Down +23.5 dB +63 dB