Sopranski zvončki SGP Primary Line Sonor, Diatonični: C-Dur lestvica; Obseg: c3 – a4 z dodatnimi ploščicami fis3, b3 in fis4, 16 srebrnih ploščic 20 x 3mm iz resonančnega jekla, Resonator iz borovega lesa, udarjalke: 1 par SCH 95
Specifikacije: Range C3-A4
Specifikacije II: C Major scale with F#3, B3 and F#4
Specifikacije III: 16 Tones
Lastnosti: Fundamental tuning
Več lastnosti: Silver steel sound bars: 20 x 3 mm
Posebnosti: Resonance box made of solid, locked pinewood
Pribor: 1 pair of SCH 95 mallets
Dolžina: 36,5 cm
Dodatni opis:
Soprano bells SGP Primary Line Sonor, Diatonic: C-Dur scale; Range: c3 – a4 with additional plates fis3, b3 and fis4, 16 silver plates 20 x 3mm made of resonant steel, Resonator made of pine wood, percussion: 1 pair SCH 95
Specifications: Range C3-A4
Specifications II: C Major scale with F#3, B3 and F#4
Specifications III: 16 Tones
Features: Fundamental tuning
Features II: Silver steel sound bars: 20 x 3 mm
Features III: Resonance box made of solid, locked pinewood
Accessories: 1 pair of SCH 95 mallets
Length: 36,5 cm