DADDARIO EPN120, za vse ljubitelje zvoka kitare iz 50. let obdobja, bo EPN prava serija za vas, preizkušene v blues, rock & roll in country glasbi. EPN120 je super lahka struna za električno kitaro, ki daje topel, starinski ton. Strune iz čistega niklja ustvarjajo starinski kitarski zvok petdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja, obdobja, ko so za navijanje kitarskih strun uporabljali čisto nikljevo žico. Te strune ustvarjijo bogate, tople tone, ki jih slišimo v tradicionalnem bluesu, rock & rollu in countryju.
Debelina strun: 009 – 041
Material strun: Nikelj
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Specifikacije: String gauge: 009, 011, 016, w023, w031, w041
Specifikacije II: Wound strings are pure nickel, unwound strings are plain steel
Specifikacije III: Pure Nickel wrap wire delivers a warmer, vintage electric guitar tone
Dodatni opis:
EPN120 is a super light gauge string set for electric guitar that delivers a warm, vintage tone. Pure Nickel strings produce the vintage guitar sound of the 1950's, an era when pure nickel wire was used to wind guitar strings. These strings produce the rich, warm tones heard in traditional blues, rock & roll, and country.
String Gauge: 009 – 041
String Material: Nickel
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Ball End
Specifications: String gauge: 009, 011, 016, w023, w031, w041
Specifications II: Wound strings are pure nickel, unwound strings are plain steel
Specifications III: Pure Nickel wrap wire delivers a warmer, vintage electric guitar tone