
DADDARIO PWAMSK20 6m instrumentni kabel s stikalom

Original price was: 45,00 €.Current price is: 36,00 €.

Šifra artikla: PWAMSK20 – EAN: 019954917265 – Skupina: Kabli in konektorji > Narejeni kabli > Kabli za instrumente – Znamka: DADDARIO Planet Waves

2 in stock


D'Addario American Stage Series kabli so zasnovani tako, da reproducirajo realne tone vašega instrumenta z ničelnimi motnjami. Najboljša točka za nebarvan ton, bakreni vodnik 22AWG pa zagotavlja izjemen prenos signala. Izhaja iz uporabe 95% bakrene pletene pletenice, ki odpravlja hrup pri ravnanju in ščiti pred motnjami. V kablih so tudi D'Addario zasnovani Neutrik izdelani konektorji s patentiranim Geo-Tipom. Geo-Tip omogoča varnejšo povezavo med kitarami, pedali in ojačevalniki preko običajnih konektorjev. American Stage serija ponuja profesionalne kable, ki uporabljajo samo najboljše materiale. Rezultat je čist in naravni ton!

Specifikacije: Low 28pF/ft capacitance is the sweet-spot for uncolored tone
Specifikacije II: The 22AWG oxygen-free copper conductor provides exceptional signal transfer
Specifikacije III: Designed to reproduce the natural tones of your instrument with zero interference
Lastnosti: Geo-Tip: exclusive patented tip design for improved fit in all jacks
Več lastnosti: In-Line solder joints for superior conductivity and strength
Posebnosti: Neutrik plugs, made in Liechtenstein, built to D'Addario's patented design
Dolžina: 6 m

Dodatni opis:

The D'Addario American Stage Kill Switch instrument cables are precision engineered and expertly assembled in America, in our Farmingdale, New York facility. These cables feature the same great quality and innovation as the rest of the American Stage cable line with a momentary "Kill Switch". This allows you to change an instrument live without fear of speaker popping or having to lower your stage volume.

Built in momentary “kill switch” for silent Instrument changes

Patented Geo-tip design ensures a secure connection in any instrument, pedal or amp jack

In-line soldering technology provides a superior connection and powerful strain relief

Chuck style cable clamp further improves strain relief.

Available in 3.04m , 4.57m, 6.09m , and 9.14 m lengths

Lifetime guarantee

D'Addario American Stage Series cables are designed to reproduce the natural tones of your instrument with zero interference. With audiophile quality wire, which is made in the USA, the low 28pF/ft capacitance is the sweet-spot for uncolored tone and the 22AWG oxygen-free copper conductor provides exceptional signal transfer. Full coverage comes from using 95% tinned copper braiding, eliminating handling noise and rejecting interference. Using only the finest materials, custom designs and precision USA manufacturing methods, American Stage delivers a professional performance cable. The result is pure, natural tone guaranteed for life.

Specifications: Low 28pF/ft capacitance is the sweet-spot for uncolored tone
Specifications II: The 22AWG oxygen-free copper conductor provides exceptional signal transfer
Specifications III: Designed to reproduce the natural tones of your instrument with zero interference
Features: Geo-Tip: exclusive patented tip design for improved fit in all jacks
Features II: In-Line solder joints for superior conductivity and strength
Features III: Neutrik plugs, made in Liechtenstein, built to D'Addario's patented design
Length: 6 m