E-platina: Med razvojem violinske strune, prevlečene s platino, smo vedno prejemali pozitivne ocene, da nova platinasta E-struna omogoča nove dimenzije igranja violine. Ta novi Platinum-E violinistu ponuja neizmerno obilico zvočnih barv, sijaj, bogat z zvokom, do velikega toplega jedra in široko zvočno projekcijo.
Material strun: Platin-plated chrome steel
Specifikacije: tremendous wealth of sound colors
Specifikacije II: abundant overtones based on a big and warm core sound
Specifikacije III: instant bow response
Dodatni opis:
E-platinum: While developing our platinum-coated violin E-string we have consistently received positive assessments that our new Platinum E-string allows for new dimensions in violin playing. This new Platinum-E provides the violinist with an immense abundance of sound colors, an overtone-rich radiance to its large warm core tone, and a wide sound projection.
1st String Material: Platin-plated chrome steel
Specifications: tremendous wealth of sound colors
Specifications II: abundant overtones based on a big and warm core sound
Specifications III: instant bow response