Jedro ovčjega črevesa naših strun Eudoxa je izdelano, navito in polirano na tradicionalen način, ročno. E struna je narejena iz jekla. Dobro uravnotežen topli ton z veliko raznolikostjo zvokov. Idealno za orkester, komorno glasbo in studijske posnetke.
Debelina strun: Srednje
Material strun: Steel
Tip strun: Kroglica
Velikost: 4/4
Dodatni opis:
The sheep gut core of our Eudoxa strings is manufactured, wound and polished in the traditional way, by hand. E string is made out of stell. Well-balanced warm tone with a great diversity of sounds. Ideal for orchestra, chamber music and studio takes.
String Gauge: Medium
1st String Material: Steel
String End Type: Ball End
Size: 4/4