Strune Ernie Ball 2047 , serija Earthwood Silk & Steel za akustično kitaro, zagotavljajo mehak in prijeten zvok.
Kakovosten zvok teh strun je dosežen z navitjem iz bronaste zlitine 80/20 in svilenim vmesnim slojem med navitjem in jeklenim jedrom. Ta rešitev daje zvoku mehkobo in zagotavlja večje udobje ter boljši občutek med igranjem, kar zmanjšuje šum pri igranju s prsti.
Debelina strun: 010 – 050
Material strun: 80/20 bron
Prevlečene: Ne
Zaključek strune: Zanka
Specifikacije: 10-14-20w-28-40-50
Dodatni opis:
Ernie Ball 2047 strings series Earthwood Silk & Steel for acoustic guitar provide a soft and pleasant sound.
The quality sound of these strings is achieved by 80/20 bronze alloy winding and an intermediate silk layer between the winding and the steel core. This solution gives the sound a soft feel and provides greater feel and extra comfort while playing with reduced noise when playing with your fingers.
String Gauge: 010 – 050
String Material: 80/20 Bronze
Coated: No
String End: Loop End
Specifications: 10-14-20w-28-40-50