CASCHA Melodica s torbo in ustnikom, glasbilo za otroke in začetnike, črna, HH 2061
Zabava za vaše otroke: CASCHA Melodika je idealen uvod v svet glasbe. Uživali bodo predvsem otroci. Inštrument je enostaven za učenje, zlasti za začetnike in mlade glasbenike, zahvaljujoč preprostemu slogu igranja
Dolga življenjska doba: Pihalo ima robustno ohišje iz visokokakovostne ABS plastike za dolgotrajno uporabo. Kot dodatno zaščito lahko Melodiko enostavno pospravite v priloženo torbo. Kar preprečuje poškodbe in zaščito pred umazanijo
Vsestranskost: Način delovanja je lahko raznolik. Po eni strani lahko igrate na harmoniko z eno roko s priloženim ustnikom. Možno pa je na inštrument na mizi igrati tudi z obema rokama preko cevi
Navdušenje med igranjem: od začetka prisoten in uravnotežen zvok ustvarja zabavno igranje. Melodika ni le otroški inštrument. Izkušeni glasbeniki znajo iz pihala izvabiti impresivne melodije
Vrhunska kakovost: Kot vsi izdelki CASCHA so tudi Melodike izdelane po najvišjih proizvodnih standardih. To zagotavlja dolgo življenjsko dobo in dolgotrajno uživanje inštrumenta za začetnike
Barva: Črna
Specifikacije: Plastic, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
Specifikacije II: Instrument Key B Flat
Širina: 36 cm
Višina: 8.6 cm
Globina: 15 cm
Teža: 1.3 kg
Artikel: HH 2061
Dodatni opis:
CASCHA Melodica with bag and mouthpiece, instrument for children and beginners, black, HH 2061
Have fun for children: The CASCHA Melodic is the ideal introduction to the world of music. Children in particular will enjoy it. The instrument is easy to learn, especially for beginners and young musicians, thanks to its simple playing style
Long service life: The wind instrument has a robust housing made of high-quality ABS plastic for long periods of fun. As additional protection, the Melodic can easily be stored in the included bag. This prevents damage and dirt
Versatility: The way of operation can be varied. On the one hand, you can play the blow accordion with one hand with the included mouthpiece. However, it is also possible to play the instrument on a table with both hands through the tube
Enthusiasm while playing: From the beginning, a present and balanced sound creates fun to play. The Melodic is not only a children's instrument. Experienced musicians can elicit impressive melodies from the wind instrument
Premium quality: Like all CASCHA products, the Melodic as are produced to the highest manufacturing standards. This ensures a long service life and lasting enjoyment of the instrument for beginners
Color: Black
Specifications: Plastic, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
Specifications II: Instrument Key B Flat
Width: 36 cm
Height: 8.6 cm
Depth: 15 cm
Weight: 1.3 kg
Product: HH 2061