MXR in Third Man Hardware sta se združila, da bi ustvarila popoln booster za današnje kitariste – ta pedal združuje dve ločeni vezji MXR Micro Amp pedala v enem samem pedalu, tako da lahko dodate boost dve ločeni signalni verigi s pravo količino klasičnega mikro MXR Micro Amp odziva .
Double Down pedal razdeli vaš signal na dva ločena izhoda, od katerih ima vsak svoj nadzor boost efekta za do +26 dB moči povečanja signala. Na levi strani ohišja je fazno stikalo, ki z invertiranjem faze drugega izhodnega signala doda izrazit stereofonični učinek. Na desni strani pedala je stikalo Buffer, tako da lahko imate nemoten signal, ki pride iz druge strani pedala . Priključite pedal Double Down iz MXR in Third Man Hardware in dvakrat povečajte svoj kitarski signal.
Tip efekta: Ojačitev / vzdrževanje signala
Dodatni opis:
MXR and Third Man Hardware have teamed up to create the perfect booster for gigging guitar players—this pedal combines two separate MXR Micro Amp circuits into a single box so that you can heat up two separate signal chains with just the right amount of classic Micro Amp bump.
The Double Down Pedal’s single input jack splits your signal to two separate outputs, each with its own Gain control for up to +26dB of signal-boosting power. On the left side of the housing is a Phase switch that adds a pronounced stereophonic effect by inverting the phase of the second output signal. On the right side of the pedal is a Buffer switch so that you can choose between true bypass—for the purists—and buffered bypass switching to keep your sound intact when driving two signal chains.
Plug into the Double Down Pedal from MXR and Third Man Hardware, and double boost your double stack.
Effect Type: Booster / Line driver