Strune za mandolino iz nerjavečega jekla Ernie Ball 2320 serije Stainless Steel prinašajo svež in svetel zvok impresivne projekcije.
Visokokakovosten zvok teh strun je dosežen s kaljenim jeklom. Strune imajo na koncu zanko. Vse strune Ernie Ball so izdelane po visokih standardih kakovosti, kar zagotavlja stabilnost, trdnost in vzdržljivost.
strune za: Mandolina
material strun: Nerjaveče jeklo
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Zanka
Število strun: 8
Specifikacije: 10-14-24w-36 (x 2)
Dodatni opis:
Ernie Ball 2320 Stainless Steel mandolin strings deliver crisp and bright sound with impressive projection.
The high quality sound of these strings is achieved through tinned steel. The strings have a loop at the end. All Ernie Ball strings are manufactured to high quality standards to ensure stability, strength and durability.
Strings for: Mandolin
String Material: Stainless Steel
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Loop End
Number of Strings: 8
Specifications: 10-14-24w-36 (x 2)