Strune za električno kitaro Ernie Ball 2206 serije Nickel Wound ponujajo svetel, a mehak in uravnotežen zvok.
Te strune so priljubljene zaradi "jazz" zvoka, vendar glasbeniki radi uporabljajo strune Nickel Wound za različne sloge igranja, tudi pop in rock.
Visokokakovosten zvok se doseže z nikljanim jeklenim navitjem. Ovite strune so narejene iz jeklenega šesterokotnega jedra, medtem ko so nepovite strune iz posebej kaljenega, kositranega jekla z visoko vsebnostjo ogljika. Ta rešitev zagotavlja stabilnost, tonsko ravnovesje in vzdržljivost.
Debelina strun: 012 – 054
Material strun: Nikljano jeklo
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Število strun: 6
Specifikacije: 12-16-24w-32-44-54
Dodatni opis:
Ernie Ball 2206 Nickel Wound electric guitar strings deliver a bright yet soft and balanced sound.
These strings are popular for their "jazz" sound, but musicians love to use Nickel Wound strings for a variety of playing styles, including pop and rock.
High quality sound is achieved through the nickel-plated steel winding. Coiled strings are made from a steel hex core, while uncoiled strings are made from specially hardened, tinned, high carbon steel. This solution provides stability, tone balance and durability.
String Gauge: 012 – 054
String Material: Nickel Plated Steel
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Ball End
Number of Strings: 6
Specifications: 12-16-24w-32-44-54