Ni lažjega načina za izboljšanje vaše glasbene izkušnje, kot da preizkusite novo trzalico in vidite, kako izboljša vaš ton in občutek.
Paket Bass Pick Variety Pack združuje zbirko oblik in materialov, ki odlično dopolnjujejo nizke tone in igralnost električnega basa, ne glede na to, ali igrate močno in hitro ali se nagibate udarnim grooveom.
Lastnosti: Bass Pick Variety Pack Contains: Ultex Tri 1.14mm, Delrin Prime Grip .96mm, Tortex Flex Tri 1.0mm, T
Dodatni opis:
There's no easier way to enhance your playing experience than to try out a new pick and see how it improves your tone and feel. The Bass Pick Variety Pack brings together a collection of shapes and materials that perfectly complement the low end and playability of the electric bass, whether you're playing hard and fast or leaning back with a tight, thumping groove.
This pack includes:
- Ultex Tri 1.14mm
- Delrin Prime Grip .96mm
- Tortex Flex Tri 1.0mm
- Tortex Standard .73mm
- Tortex Tri 1.14mm
- Max-Grip 1.0mm
Features: Bass Pick Variety Pack Contains: Ultex Tri 1.14mm, Delrin Prime Grip .96mm, Tortex Flex Tri 1.0mm, T