DADDARIO NYXL1046BT, balansiran set NYXL strun za električno kitaro, omogočajo bolj uravnotežen zven vseh strun na kitari. Strune za električno kitaro 10-46, s svojo unikatno zasnovo pripomorejo k bolj konstantni uglasitvi, bolj dinamično izrazit spekter 1 – 3.5 kHz. NYXL1046BT ponuja idealno kombinacijo udobnega igranja in idealnega električnega tona. Visokoogljično jeklo, ki se uporablja v strunah NYXL, ponuja večjo trdnost in dolgotrajnost, večjo stabilnost nastavitve in poudarjen frekvenčni odziv v srednjem registru.
Debelina strun: 010 – 046
Material strun: Nikljano jeklo
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Specifikacije: String Gauge: 010, 0135, 017, w025, w034, w046
Specifikacije II: High carbon steel alloy for unprecedented strength
Specifikacije III: Wound strings with enhanced mid-range frequency response in the 1 – 3.5 kHz range
Lastnosti: Environmentally friendly, corrosion resistant packaging for strings that are always fresh
Dodatni opis:
DADDARIO NYXL1046BT; The balanced tension profile of NYXL1046BT creates an even response across all strings in the set when bending, strumming, fretting, and picking. The high carbon steel used in NYXL strings offers higher break strength, enhanced tuning stability, and accentuated mid-range frequency response.
String Gauge: 010 – 046
String Material: Nickel Plated Steel
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Ball End
Specifications: String Gauge: 010, 0135, 017, w025, w034, w046
Specifications II: High carbon steel alloy for unprecedented strength
Specifications III: Wound strings with enhanced mid-range frequency response in the 1 – 3.5 kHz range
Features: Environmentally friendly, corrosion resistant packaging for strings that are always fresh