DADDARIO NYXL0942 strune za električno kitaro s svojo unikatno zasnovo pripomorejo k bolj konstantni uglasitvi, bolj dinamično izrazit spekter 1 – 3.5 kHz. NYXL1046 ponuja idealno kombinacijo udobnega igranja in idealnega električnega tona. Visokoogljično jeklo, ki se uporablja v strunah NYXL, ponuja večjo trdnost in dolgotrajnost, večjo stabilnost nastavitve in poudarjen frekvenčni odziv v srednjem registru.
Debelina strun: 009 – 042
Material strun: Nikljano jeklo
Prevlečene: Ne
Ovoj: Običajni ovoj / Roundwound
Zaključek strune: Kroglica
Specifikacije: String gauge: 009, 011, 016, w024, w032, w042
Specifikacije II: High carbon steel alloy for unprecedented strength
Specifikacije III: Wound strings with enhanced mid-range frequency response in the 1 – 3.5 kHz range
Lastnosti: Environmentally friendly, corrosion resistant packaging for strings that are always fresh
Dodatni opis:
NYXL0942 is designed with super light gauges for maximum flexibility. The high carbon steel used in NYXL strings offers higher break strength, enhanced tuning stability, and accentuated mid-range frequency response.
String Gauge: 009 – 042
String Material: Nickel Plated Steel
Coated: No
Wound: Round Wound
String End: Ball End
Specifications: String gauge: 009, 011, 016, w024, w032, w042
Specifications II: High carbon steel alloy for unprecedented strength
Specifications III: Wound strings with enhanced mid-range frequency response in the 1 – 3.5 kHz range
Features: Environmentally friendly, corrosion resistant packaging for strings that are always fresh