
VESTON VK-17 kalimba

Original price was: 26,32 €.Current price is: 25,00 €.

Šifra artikla: VK17 – EAN: 3831120912730 – Skupina: Bobni in tolkala > Percussion > Ostala tolkala – Znamka: VESTON

2 in stock

SKU: VK17 Categories: , ,


Veston VK-17 kalimba, 17 tonov, Kalimba je staro afriško glasbilo, ki se igra z brenkanjem po kovinskih glasilkah. Zvok kalimbe je našel svojo uporabo v glasbeni terapiji in lahko se igra kot samostojni inštrument in tudi kot spremljava pevcem, glasbenikom in plesalcem. Kalimba je zelo lahka in jo je mogoče hitro in enostavno shraniti in prenašati.

Barva: Naravna
Specifikacije: Top: Meranti
Specifikacije II: Side/Back: Meranti Utuh
Specifikacije III: 17 tones

Dodatni opis:

Veston VK-17 kalimba, 17 tones, Kalimba is an old African musical instrument that plays by humming through metal vocal cords. The sound of kalimba has found its use in music therapy and can be played as a stand-alone instrument and also as an accompaniment to singers, musicians and dancers. Kalimba is very light and can be stored and carried quickly and easily.

Color: Natural
Specifications: Top: Meranti
Specifications II: Side/Back: Meranti Utuh
Specifications III: 17 tones